
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Future aspirations

Today we had a talk about our future aspirations. The people that were talking to us were Anthony Samuels - Tv Entertainer,  Paula Fakalata - Attitude Presenter, Amelia Unufe - Fashion Designer and Andrew Paterson - Radio Producer.

They talked about what they did in the past and present. The most inspiring person out of all of the people talking to us where Anthony who was a tv presenter on what now. Then there was Paula who talked to us about his life and what he does now. Last but not least Amelia who dose fashion designing.

Here is a little quote

Monday, November 24, 2014

Film Festival recount

I woke up with excitement and joy as today was the day of the Manaiakalani film festival. As I sprang out of bed and rushed to the kitchen. I quickly got out the cereal weet-bix is what I should have I thought to myself where's the milk.  I then brushed my teeth and put on my shoes. I packed my lunch and walked out the door in excitement and joy. Before I went I said ‘Bye mum’ and stormed off to school.

As I got to school my friends were all playing soccer on the court. When the bell rang we all walked back to in joy class. When we got to class we carried on working until 11:00 which was when we had morning tea. After morning tea we went on a bus to Sylvia park.

When we got to Sylvia Park we walked through Sylvia to the Hoyts cinema which you have to go up the steps and into the cinema. As we walk into the cinema there are schools from in our community. The school that was with us was Somervill special school.

My favorite movie of the day was class 2’s movie. The movie was called My T.V the movie was a mix of comedy horror and music. My favorite part of the movie was when one of the students farted while they were playing mortal kombat on the PS360 They used the characters liu Kang, Scorpion and Sub zero. The graphics that they drew where beyond insanity even their background was awesome. As we left the cinema we went on the bus back to school.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Paris Snapshots Assessment Stage 7 and 8 (2)

Addition/Subtraction Stage 7 and 8
Solve the problems below. Try to use the strategy explained in the box above each question. Make sure you show all the steps you use to solve it.
Stage 7: Advanced Multiplicative
I can choose appropriately from a broad range of mental strategies to estimate answers and solve addition and subtraction problems involving decimals, integers, and fractions. I can also use multiplication and division to solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers.

Stage 7: Advanced Multiplicative
I can split decimal numbers in parts to solve addition and subtraction problems.
e.g.a)  6.03 – 5.8 = __   as 6.03 – 5 – 0.8 = 1.03 – 0.8 = 0.23 (standard place value partitioning)  or
b)2.36 + 1.27 = 2 + 1 = 3,  and .3 + .2 = .5,  and .06 + .07 = .13  So 3 + .5 + .13 = 3.63
1. Shona needs a length of wood for some shelves. Her first shelf needs to be 1.27m long and the second shelf needs to be 1.86m long. How much timber does need altogether?

1.27 + 1.86= 3.13
1.0 + 1.0=2.0
0.2 +0.8=1.0
0.07 + 0.06=0.13

2. She ends up finding 2 lengths of timber that are long enough but will have to cut them to the right length. The first piece is 1.5m. How much does she need to cut off it for the first shelf?

2.0 - 1.5= 0.5
2.0 - 1.0=1.0
2.0 - 0.5= 1.5
1.0 - 1.5=0.5  

Stage 7: Advanced Multiplicative
I can solve addition and subtraction problems with decimal numbers by rounding and compensating. e.g.  a) 3.2 + 1.95 = (3.2 - .05) +  (1.95 + .05) = 3.15 + 2 = 5.15
Or b) 4.31 - 2.98 = 4.31 - 3 = 1.31 + .02 = 1.33

3. Dane was 1.46m tall when he last measured himself. He has since grown a further 0.47m. What is is height now?
1.46 + 0.47=1.93

-0.3       +0.3

1.43 + 0.5=1.93

4. When Dane was 1.46m tall his little sister was  only 0.98m tall. How much taller was Dane than his sister?

1.46 - 0.98=0.48

+0.2     +0.2

1.48 - 1.0= 0.48

Stage 7: Advanced Multiplicative
I can solve subtraction problems with decimal numbers by reversing to an addition equation then jumping up tidy numbers on a numberline (reverse and jump)
e.g. 6.03 - 5.8 =  5.8 + __ = 6.03
5.8 + 0.2 = 6,  6 + 0.03 = 6.03    .2 + .03 = .23       So 6.03 - 5.8 = 0.23

5. Tiana has a container with 2.75 litres of juice in it. She uses it to fill a smaller container of juice that holds .985 litres. How much juice is left in the larger container?

2.75 - .985=
2.750 - 0.985=
2.0 - 0.0 = 2.0
0.750 - 0.985=  

Stage 7: Stage 7: Advanced Multiplicative
I can solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of unlike fractions by finding common denominators and partitioning
e.g. ¾  + ⅝  =  (¾  +  2/8) + ⅜ =  (¾ + ¼) + ⅜ = 1 ⅜

6. Allanah has 3/4 of a one pizza left and 5/8 of another.  How much pizza has she got altogether?
4 pieces


Stage 7: Advanced Proportional:
I can use a range of mental partitioning strategies to estimate answers and solve problems that involve adding and subtracting fractions, including decimals. I am able to combine ratios and proportions with different amounts. The strategies include using partitions of fractions and “ones”, and finding equivalent fractions.

e.g. 2 ¾ - 1 ⅔ = 2 - 1 and ¾ - ⅔
= 1 and 9/12 - 8/12 = 1 1/12  (finding equivalent fractions)

  1. Tom knows that for every 20 newspapers he delivers he gets $1.60.  How many papers does he need to deliver to earn $20
13 times

Hana has a cup that hold .275 litres and a container that holds 2.2 litres.  How many cupfuls does she need to fill the container.

8 cup fulls