
Thursday, October 26, 2017


  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
I participated in basketball. The rules in basketball are simple. You can't foul, double dribble or travel in basketball. There are out of bounds and you can shoot from anywhere in the area.
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sepak Takraw

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The activity we played was called Sepak Takraw. The objective of the game was kind of like volleyball. You had to get the ball on the opposing team's side on the floor. The rules of the game are simple you can't touch the ball with your hands. The ball in Sepak Takraw was called Rattan Ball.
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity?I personally think I got an achieved Why? I was organised and prepared for the activity. Being actively involved in the task. I would give my self a achieved because I don't think I did well.
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
Skill level
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Equipment helped me participate because if I didn't have my equipment I would just sit there the ball we used was a positive effect because it was good for beginners of the game like me.

Skill level was the amount of skill during the game and I didn't have much skill on the game that was a positive on my participation because I learnt how to play the game.

Fitness helped with my participation because because I had a lot of energy and I was able to chase the ball down to kick it. It affected my participation in a positive way.
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future? 
I could increase my fellow peers participation by helping them or encouraging them to join in and enjoy the game.

Turbo Touch


  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.

The activity I participated in was turbo touch. Turbo touch is a modified version of normal touch. you can pass the ball in all directions. You can only get touched twice and you have to pass the ball twice if you want to run in and score the try.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
I grade my self an achieved because I didn't wont to play and some of our team was kind of bad and looked like had never played the game before one of them took 5 seconds to get a try and no one was near him.
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
Equipment, Skill level and Fitness
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Equipment made my participation better because I was prepared and ready for the activity.
Skill level made my participation better because I already knew how to play.
Fitness made my participation worse because i'm not fit.
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could increase my participation by not getting annoyed at the year 9's.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

200 Squats + 200 Sit Ups = 400 + 20 sprint laps = 420 Challenge

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
Today we had to do a challenge with the year 9's we had to do 200 Squats 200 Sit ups and 20 Sprinting Laps around a cone. We had to be in a group of two or three at the most. We started of with 200 squats so me and my teammate did 100 each and then we did 100 setups and than 10 sprints each.
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
Today I give my self an achieved because I was participating in the activity to my full potential and tried as hard as I could to finish off the challenge we were given.
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
Challenge +
Skill level +
Fitness +
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Challenge made my participation better cause it was challenging
Skill level made it better because it was easy
Fitness was okay cause i could keep my pace
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could start by motivating them to keep going and not give up.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wheel chair basketball

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity we participated in was wheel chair basketball. Wheel chair basketball is like normal basketball but in a wheel chair.
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
I would give my self an achieved because I was bad at the game but for participation I would give myself a merit because I joined in the game of wheel chair basketball.
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
Challenge-, Skill level-, Equipment+
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Challenge affected my participation because I was new to the sport and it was my first time playing.
Skill level affected my participation because I was new to the game and I didn't know any of the rules.
Equipment was a positive participation because I bring all the right gear for P.E
  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could increase it by motivating them to try harder and participate more.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Projection Motion

What is projectile motion?
Projectile motion is the angle of release which can increase or decrease the distance traveled. Another motion is the height of release which which can also increase or decrease your travel distance. The higher your height and angle can make your throw go further. The more speed you have can also increase or decrease depending on the speed of the object.

What are the three parts of pm
AoR/Angle of Release
HofR/Height of Release
And SoR/Speed of Release

Explain the activity this morning related to pm
The activity that was done this morning was trying to shoot the paper into the hoop. We had to use pm to get it into the hoop. What we used to flick the paper was a rubber band. We had to find the height, speed and angle of release to get the paper in the hoop.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Newton's Laws of Motion

  • Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
Newton was a philosopher/and scientist

  • Explain the 3 Laws
The 3 laws are the law of inertia, The law of acceleration and the law of action/reaction. The first law states that if you do not apply force to the object it would remain still until you apply force and will be stopped by force. The second law is the object's acceleration is the amount of force applied to the object such as a tennis ball. The third law is for every action there will always be a equal and opposite.

  • How did the game ‘inertia ball’ demonstrate Newton’s Laws?
In the game inertia ball it's demonstrated everyone law of motion. The first law is the law of inertia was demonstrated by the swiss ball the swiss ball would be sitting in the middle of the court and we would have to chuck different balls such as a basketball at the swiss ball. Throwing a ball with a unbalanced force would cause the swiss ball to move a lot or not at all. The second law is shown by throwing the ball with the most mass to make the swiss ball move. The third law is when the ball hit the swiss ball that was the action and when the ball rebounded off the swiss ball which was the reaction Isaac Newton created the laws of physics which means he's smarter than you.
Image result for isaac newton quotes

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Musculoskeletal system

  • Choose one activity we have completed in class and describe what your task was.
  1. Kahoot: For kahoot we had to figure out the bones and muscle in the body. I worked with Brodie and jack because jack's computer froze. It was very difficult for me because I didn't know what I was doing. 
What are the three types of muscles?
  1. The cardiac is the muscle found in the heart & moves continuously without control.
  2. The skeletal muscle is found throughout skeleton & the person controls movements.
  3. The smooth muscle is found in organs such as intestines & moves continuously without control.
Image result for dab
  • Describe what agonist and antagonist muscles are?
  1. The agonist is the muscle that shortens when shooting a free throw in basketball. The tricep brachii is the muscle the shortens when you shoot the basketball. When shooting a basketball elbow flexion is the flexion you use.
  2. The antagonist is the muscle that lengthens when shooting a free throw in basketball. The bicep brachii is the muscle that lengthens during a free throw When shooting a basketball elbow flexion is the flexion you use.
Image result for basketball ankle breaker three gif

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Thoughts About Blogging

Blog #1: Your thoughts on blogging (28/02) What are your previous experiences with blogging? The last time I did blogging was at Pt England Primary School. I did not enjoy my previous experience with blogging because I never liked it. How do you think blogging impacts on your learning? It depends on why you blog and what you blog about because if it's not about anything that will motivate or show the reader there is kind of no point. How do you feel about blogging? Why? I personally don't like blogging. The reason why is because I didn't really like it in primary because I always got in trouble for not doing work.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Bone Revision

Our activity on monday was to create a skeletal system with the equipment we found in the sports shed. Even though I was not there.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

What is self management

What is self management? Self management is being able to stay on task and not get distracted by others. It is also knowing what to do and being able to follow the rules and answer questions. Why is it important to be self managed? It is important we are self managed because we can have better opportunities and be more confident in ourselves by listening How do you feel about blogging? Why? I do not like blogging, Because it's not fun experience for the whole family and I personally dont like it.